
19.10.2015 в 21:52
Пишет  anna_iva:

19.10.2015 в 18:37
Пишет  HildaA:

19.10.2015 в 19:27
Пишет  jester_klo:
19.10.2015 в 19:47
Пишет  Yagi:

Репост пожалуйста.
Тут такой фейспалм случился японской пианисткой в Москве.
Пишет Галина Ерохина
Доброго всем вечера! Очень нужна информационная поддержка для японской пианистки,
которая 21.10 выступает на сольном концерте в Коломенском (концертный зал в музее "Дворец царя Алексея Михайловича";), начало в 18 часов.
Сегодня ей неожиданно сказали, что чтобы концерт состоялся, она должна САМА продать половину билетов (40 штук)!!!
Она почти никого в Москве не знает и плохо говорит по-русски. Для нее этот концерт важен и она готова сама выкупить эти 40 билетов (по 250 рублей)...
Давайте поддержим её и распространим информацию о её выступлении, а также давайте пойдём!
Билеты можно будет приобрести на входе перед началом.
Прошу репост и приходите на концерт, приводите друзей!


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URL записи

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URL записи

@темы: Tom Hiddleston


matt bomer

@темы: matt bomer


matt bomer

@темы: matt bomer


matt bomer

@темы: matt bomer


matt bomer

@темы: matt bomer


matt bomer

@темы: matt bomer

Cosplay de Dante del Videojuego Devil May Cry - by Leon Chiro

@темы: Devil May Cry


white collar

white collar OST – white collar Taking Account

Download white collar Taking Account for free from pleer.com

@темы: white collar

Harry Bosch is up to his neck in a case that has transfixed all of celebrity-mad Los Angeles: a movie director is charged with murdering an actress during sex, and then staging her death to make it look like a suicide. Bosch is both the arresting officer and the star witness in a trial that has brought the Hollywood media pack out in full-throated frenzy.

Meanwhile, Terry McCaleb is enjoying an idyllic retirement on Catalina Island when a visit from an old colleague brings his former world rushing back. It’s a murder, the unreadable kind of murder he specialized in solving back in his FBI days. The investigation has stalled, and the sheriff’s office is asking McCaleb to take a quick look at the murder book to see if he turns up something they’ve missed.

McCaleb’s first reading of the crime scene leads him to look for a methodical killer with a taste for rituals and revenge. As his quick look accelerates into a full-sprint investigation, the two crimes — his murdered loner and Bosch’s movie director — begin to overlap strangely. With one unsettling revelation after another, they merge, becoming one impossible, terrifying case, involving almost inconceivable calculation. McCaleb believes he has unmasked the most frightening killer ever to cross his sights. But his investigation tangles with Bosch’s lines, and the two men find themselves at odds in the most dangerous investigation of their lives.

@темы: michael connelly

When the body of high profile black lawyer Howard Elias is found inside one of the cars on Angels Flight, a cable railway in downtown Los Angeles, there’s not a detective in the city who wants to touch the case. For Elias specialized in lawsuits alleging police brutality, racism, and corruption, and every LAPD cop is a possible suspect in his killing.

Detective Harry Bosch is put in charge. Elias’s murder occurred on the eve of a major trial: on behalf of black client, Michael Harris, Elias was to bring a civil case against the LAPD for violent interrogation tactics that had caused his client the partial loss of his hearing. Harris had been acquitted of the rape and murder of a twelve-year-old girl, but many, including Bosch, believe him guilty. Elias had let it be known that the trial would serve a dual purpose — to target and bring down the guilty cops and to expose the real murderer of the little girl. Post Rodney King, the 1992 riots, and the trial of O.J. Simpson, the City of Angels is living on its nerves. To discover the truth Harry must dig deep in his own backyard — except that it’s a minefield of suspicion and hate that could detonate in his face.

And as if he didn’t have enough on his mind, his happiness with Eleanor Wish looks to be short-lived. Five cards on the felt are pulling her back to a place where Harry cannot follow, back to herself.

@темы: michael connelly



@темы: Grimm